Shalom from Tzuba! I finally made it to Israel late last night. Instead of going straight to bed at 4 am when we got to the Kibbutz, my roommates and I stayed up late drinking Israeli tea and watching late night tv in Hebrew. I'm more than half way through the unpacking process, thankfully. Unfortunately, we're getting new roommates in a month, so soon I'll just be packing everything up again. The Kibbutz is beautiful, with wide roads, beautiful plants and gardens, and stunning sunsets that we can overlook from our balcony. Long story short, I'm already in love with Israel, and I haven't even been here for twenty-four hours. Oh, and the food is absolutely delicious. And I've only had one meal.
Here's my comfy outfit I wore on the ten hour plane ride, which included being continuously kicked by a baby for eight hours, and being deprived of water and also dying from dehydration. I might have cried of joy when we landed.
Urban Top & Denim Shirt, H&M Pants, GAP Sandals, Urban Headband
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